Supporting Starland

How You can Support Starland!

Monetary Donations

At Starland, our main goal is to BUILD COMMUNITY, not operate for a profit.  However, we do have expenses to operate and constantly make improvements. Here’s a quick was to donate to our general fund.

Gift cards for: Amazon, Home Depot, Lowes, Ace Hardware, Winco, Costco, Walmart, etc. are always welcomed.

Or email us if you are interested in offering a larger Charitable Bequests or Legacy Donation.

We assure you, the funds will be put to good use.  Below are some of our projects.

Volunteering Skills & Time

Starland is an ALL-VOLUNTEER run campground and retreat center!  After visiting Starland, many guys have had such a magical experience that they become one of our many active volunteers to make Starland even MORE fabulous!  You can be one of them!

Throughout the year, we have ‘Work and Play’ Weeks/Weekends where Starland provides free accommodations along with free food and loads of fun if you want to help us with our projects!  We often have massage exchange sessions several times during the week and weekends.  We place volunteers in our best cabins and rooms so that everyone is comfortable.  Generally there is no ‘hard labor’ projects but you can judge your abilities and match them to volunteer needs.

Our coordinator always has loads of small projects on top of the large projects that we have completed during these Work and Play Weeks.  Recent Volunteer Weeks have provided Starland with the following amenities:

  • Two new toilets just outside of the Community Hall (still a work in progress)
  • Several bunk-bed constructions
  • Painting cabins inside and out
  • Gorgeous new Sunroom painted bright colors and with new curtains and furniture
  • Installing a new, professional style range in the kitchen
  • Refinishing the hot tub area
  • Spackling and painting patches in our Main House dining room and kitchen walls and finally
  • A brand new ceiling in our Main House

Future projects include new cabin construction, more painting, dry-walling and insulating cabins and rooms, new plumbing for bathroom/shower facilities, organizing our supplies and storage areas, and our granddaddy of all projects — constructing an in-ground, heated pool!

If you are interested in joining our fun group during one of these work & play events, please email and let us know!  You can join us for the whole event or for just a few days as your schedule allows.

Donations Goods & Materials

Starland also has a “Wish List” of good and materials we need.  If you are coming to Starland or even just passing by the area and if you have a little extra room in your vehicle, here are a few items we can always use.

Wish List
  • Blow-up mattresses (twin, full or queen)
  • Cots
  • Power tools
  • Wood screws
  • Countertop Microwaves (not over the stove type)
  • Mini-fridges
  • Coffee Machines (small or large)
  • Futon mattresses
  • Large clean rugs (at least 5 X 7, preferably larger) any color
  • AC window units (that work, please!)
  • Heat/AC Split window units
  • Fans (all types)
  • Space heaters 
  • Folding chairs
  • Insulation
  • Canned goods
  • Drywall
  • Paneling
  • White paint (Flat for outside cabins, Semi-gloss for inside)
  • Massage tables